Friday, July 30, 2010

Dog Alert!

Those are the two words that absolutely grate on me the most right now.

My lovely gay couple are incredibly high maintenance about their dogs. These are two perfectly well behaved dogs, yet every time we are out with them and either one of their human owners sees another dog, I hear "Dog Alert!" Then, the two of them scramble to pull their dogs aside, distract them and prevent them from barking. It is quite a system they have. It means that when we go hiking, every five seconds I hear "Dog Alert"! To make matters worse, if a dog is off leash (as MANY dogs are on hiking trails, including my own) they start yelling at said dog to BACK OFF, as if that dog is specifically out to get their dogs. In addition, there are mumbled comments about owners who keep their dogs off leash or unneutered. At dinner last week, we were talking about our lifestyles and I mentioned how I'm generally a pretty laid back person. Their response? "We are, too. DOG ALERT!" I am not kidding.

Frankly, I can't stand it.

I tried diligently to break up with them two weeks ago, but they came back with an offer to be simply Known Donors rather than co-parents. This offer was VERY tempting, as I had fantasies of me being the sole legal and physical guardian of a child, with unlimited visitation from them. The thought of having a dad(s) to love is so darned tempting and I would never want to deny a child of that right. However, their offer was quickly amended to want to have their name on the birth certificate, to maintain legal rights "for insurance reasons" and to be consulted on major decisions. They even want to sleep at my house during those first infant months to help out with feedings etc. So nothing has changed at all. I mean, the conversation included such statements/questions as "we wouldn't be happy being just Disney Dads; I mean, you wouldn't want us to be just Disney Dads, would you?" My answer was "uh, yes, that is exactly what I want". So we see where this is headed, which is nowhere good. I am going to have to break up with them again, this time for good, and man am I dreading it.

So moving on, I am having dinner tonight with Airplane Baby Daddy (ABD?). I have only met him once, and for only half an hour, so I have no idea of what his expectations are, but I will find out in about 2 hours. Trying not to get too excited or scared. There is only a potential human life on the line, after all.

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