Monday, November 7, 2011

Coming Out of the Haze

So for all those who read my last blog entry, I wholeheartedly apologize.  Wow, I really take first prize in the "feeling most sorry for myself" contest.   But, I'm forcing myself to climb out of the hole.  I have even tackled one or two things from my "improve my life" list.

I have been hiking every week, which I absolutely love. Nothing makes me calmer or more content than walking with my dog through a cool, breezy mountain under the stars with my hiking group.  I have half-heartedly gotten back online, and even have a coffee date scheduled for this week.  I haven't been so good about staying off the internet but hey, one day at a time.  I'm still job hunting but am also grateful to even have this dead-end temp job, so I will stop complaining about that as well. 

I had a pumpkin carving party at my house on the day before Halloween.  It was good to be with family and friends for a few hours and not talk about myself at all.  We had contest for cutest pumpkin, scariest pumpkin and most creative pumpkin.  I am still working my way through all the candy and pumpkin seeds. 

OK so my guests didn't get quite as advanced as this, but we all still smiled real big!

This weekend I went to a friend's birthday party at the horse races in Santa Anita, which was super fun.  We got all dolled up and had a great time. I didn't know any of the guests beforehand but it didn't matter.  We all placed our $2 bets and had a blast.  We even got to meet one of the horse owners and watch a horse get saddled up for his race.  Man, those jockeys are TINY! I always knew they were small but I had no idea how small you really have to be to be a jockey. 

Bugle Serenade at the Races

So, slowly but surely, I am making my way back into the world.  Some days I do sink back into the woe-is-me moods, but I find ways to console myself, like by watching a good movie or reading a good book or walking my dog. 

I still have a long way to go, and am not even sure where I am going, but I am hoping to get there eventually. 

Super Dog on Halloween

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