Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Well I finally got some good news. Not on the baby front, but still, good news is always welcome!! A film that I co-produced last year had it's world premiere at a major film festival a few weeks ago, and it ended up doing REALLY well. Like, REALLY well! We won almost all the awards, including the Grand Jury Award and the Audience Award. This was a micro-budget film shot in a small Texas town with nothing but blood, sweat and tears, so it was so nice to get such a positive response. The best part was getting to meet Roger Ebert, who was on the jury and loved the film. He gave me (or the film) a big thumbs up and has really championed the film at the festival and on his twitter feed. I even got to take a picture with him! We also got a really good review in Variety. Variety!

After all these months of just spending money with no good results, it felt so amazing to just get away from it all and focus on something else. The festival was a lot of fun and I saw a lot of really good movies. I think I needed a kick in the pants to remind me that I still do love movies. What happens next with the film is anyone's guess, but either way it was very validating to be a part of a film that I can actually be proud of (I've made some real stinkers in the past).

Oh, and in order to make sure my head doesn't get too big, I came back to LA and straight to my boring temp job in a windowless room. But I don't care, because it's a job and it's money and I'm beyond thankful to have it.

OK, back to baby stuff. IUI #4 was a bust, so I'm moving on to IVF. A few minor obstacles, however:

1. $$$$. 'Nuff said.

2. I have a cyst so my doctor wants me to wait another month before beginning. He says that with time the cyst should dissolve, and if it doesn't he will have to drain it (more $$ and time, ugh). It is so frustrating! I'll be 41 in 2 months so every month lost feels like a freaking lifetime.

3. My Known Donor (I call him Airplane Baby Daddy since he owns his own airplane) told me yesterday that he has a new girlfriend.

Let's go back to #3, shall we? Yes, a new girlfriend who wants to have her own kids. He told me that he intends to continue on with me......but I know how it goes. Once he gets serious enough with her, and she tells him she's uncomfortable with the arrangement, it's Bye Bye Baby Daddy. Unfortunately I used up all of his samples on IUI #4 so there is nothing in the bank. The doctor wants to use a fresh (rather than frozen) sample this time, which means having to wait until mid-May at the earliest to get him into town and get his sample. Which gives him that much more time to back out! So, I'm trying not to freak out about this. There's nothing I can do if he changes his mind. I guess I'm going to start looking at "backup" anonymous donors just in case.

Oh and just to add another layer of ridiculousness, today I decided to treat myself to a candy bar (Bit O Honey). Chewy, chewy, chewy. Next thing know, I lost half a tooth.


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